Just like with anything else in life, the best way to fail is to simply give up. Unfortunately, that’s what most guys do when they join a match dating website and things don’t pan out as quickly as they hope. I hope you pay attention to that last sentence. When you read that sentence closely, it doesn’t foreclose on the possibility of you getting your dick sucked or some crazy chick jumping on your cock and making both of you happy. It doesn’t mean that you’re never going to get laid.

What I’m just saying is that it may take a little bit longer for you to get what you’re looking for from the typical online adult dating site. You have to have an open mind regarding this. You have to expect this at some level or other. The best way to play the game is to essentially just go to these types of website with your eyes wide open.
What I mean by that is you need to be able to filter out fake websites and fake people very quickly. You have to remember that the vast majority of websites out there are built to waste your time and your money. Stay clear of those websites. Once you’ve found yourself on the right website, the key is to have fun. Don’t get desperate. Don’t think that just because you did a search and you sent some messages that all these women would want to hook up with you. It doesn’t work that way.
If you have the wrong expectations it’s too easy to feel so discouraged and so depressed that you end up giving up. I’m telling you right now, if you give up, you fail. You will never fail if you stay in the game. If you play the game with an open mind and you’re just looking to have fun and have a good time, then you will eventually get laid, especially if you use luckfuck. However, if you think that you’re somehow, someway, entitled to all these pussies because you joined the right website, then you have another thing coming. You are setting yourself up for a collision course with reality. Don’t do that.
Focus instead on enjoying the company of these women. Focus on the fun and the thrill of exchanging messages with them and figuring out what they are about. Think of it as meeting new friends that you can eventually fuck. If you have the right attitude, then the world will open up to you. That’s right, the world will open its legs and you can dive right in. But if you feel that you are somehow, someway entitled to some sort of results, then you’re playing the game to lose. It really doesn’t get any simpler than that.